федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The Ball is Rumbling, the Ball is Shining!

The Ball is Rumbling, the Ball is Shining!

Самарский университет

The annual student ball of Samara University was held in the arena

26.11.2024 1970-01-01

The ball is rumbling, the ball is shining

Ribbons are flying in braids

Music is heard everywhere

And whispers of compliments...

Last Saturday, an event took place that was expected by many students. Once a year, arena of our University turns into a wonderful castle and opens its doors to everybody willing to immerse himself to the world of music, dance, etiquette and feel like a hero of a novel.

Preparation to the ball started as recently as September: they studied dances and rules of conduct in S. Boldyrev Salon Dance Studio. For several months the participants learned more than 30 salon dances! Also debutants of the ball – students of the first and second year who entered the ballroom for the first time – were actively preparing. Together with the trainers they learned and danced a splendid waltz.

The aura of the event itself was unforgettable. A guard of honor consisting of the guys of Student Military Patriotic Alliance “Sokol SSAU” greeted visitors. Ladies in beautiful fluffy dresses and with hair-up, gallant knights in tail coats and suites! Smiles and laugh filled the hall throughout the evening. And the glorious decorations and bright photo zone gave the arena fabulous and cozy look. 

Traditionally, the ball was opened by the orchestra of Samara University. Waltz and other melodies were heard in the hall of the arena calling everyone interested to dance. Opening speech was made by Mikhail Mikhailovich Leonov, the Vice Rector for Educational Work and Youth Policy.

This year, the event was graced by the laureate of the international competitions, silver medalist of the World Choir Olympiad in Bremen academic choir “VIVAT” of Samara University.

Every time the event impresses by its elegance and scale. And Salon Dance Studio, even as we speak, invites everyone interested to the Annual Student Ball of Samara University!

See you next year!

Text: Sofia Surkova

Photo: photo club “Illuminator”